Tuesday, April 25, 2006

New Richard Gaffin book

I hate to make this blog an extension of my constant thirst for new books (or at least the idea of new books), but if I have any American readers of a Presbyterian bent they may be interested to know that due out this coming month in the UK is a new book by Richard Gaffin entitled By Faith, Not by Sight: Paul and the Order of Salvation (Oakhill School of Theology Series) (published by Paternoster). The blurb states:

This book is about Paul's understanding of how the individual receives salvation. What does the application of salvation to sinners involve for him? Does he distinguish between salvation accomplished and salvation applied? What is the place of justification in his theology? Gaffin argues that our union with Christ must be central to any attempt to understand Paul's theology of salvation.

'Gaffin brings together a lifetime of reflection on Paul's letters [in] ... this encouraging study.' Dr David Peterson, Oak Hill

It is just a short book which appears to be based on his lectures at the 2004 Oakhill School of Theology, but I like my books short and it should be at least a little interesting considering his lack of published books.


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