Sunday, October 09, 2005

Taking up the cross which should be mine but is Jesus'

Been thinking about living a life of taking up the cross.

I think perhaps when more left-leaning (best term I could think of – liberal wasn’t quite right) folks talk about a cruciform life they often put themselves in Jesus’ shoes. This is not wrong in and of itself, as we are called to imitate him; and more live a life 'in Christ', which means death then life (in many dimensions). However, we must also realise that we are not Jesus, because although he suffered the results of Adam's curse, he did not need to, but we should have done. Our suffering must not be self-righteous; it must not be a so-called martyr complex (not least because there is joy set before us). It is only a taster of our just-deserts. His condemnation by the human authorities was the injustice of history, the suffering we take up is not unjust, we should accept it humbly. True the bible can see the horribly wrong nature of our suffering, but the reasons for that only flow out of God’s grace. Our suffering is wrong, because we are made in the image of God, and our suffering at the hands of the devil or humanity is a rebellion against our creator. Secondly, and similarly, our suffering is wrong because by God's grace we are 'in Christ' we are his brothers and his ambassadors. Because we are 'in Christ' our suffering can be considered wrong, and so we have hope because 'in Christ' we like him will be vindicated at our resurrection.

Lord, give me humility.


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