Wednesday, June 08, 2005

The latest issue of Christian counterculture

There is just too much amazing and thought provoking stuff that I am finding on the internet at the moment. The trouble is it all demands careful and critical reading followed by application to my life. This is very time consuming and tiring. A case in point is the latest issue of Christian counterculture, a monthly newsletter from the same stables as The Discerning Reader, which contains carefully chosen extracts from various writers books. Christian counterculture, as others have noticed (e.g. Phil Johnson), has cut a different furrow from the firmly reformed (in the party sense of the word) one it was ploughing a few years back. As a result it is more interesting, challenging, worrying, and various other things, which mean its output needs (and at the same time deserves) careful and thoughtful (in other words discerning) reading. Anyway without further ado these are the contents of its latest issue entitled Good News:

Now For Some Good News . . . Steve Chalke
How Sweet the Sound? Donald McCullough
Paul's Gospel and Caesar's Empire Tom Wright
Athens Revisited Don Carson
On The Bookshelf New Reading for Postmodern Times
Good News rob schläpfer [editorial]


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